Here you will find information about the network, upcoming workshops and other activities where SWE-RAYS is involved, as well as other activities of interest to our members. Membership in SWE-RAYS is free and you are also welcome to join our group on LinkedIn and Facebook. Don’t forget to like our facebook page!
The 13th Annual Workshop for Young Radiation Researchers will be held in Lund on August or September, 2025. More information will come at a later time, but you can already sign up for updates and reminders about the workshop! Stay in the loop about SWE-RAYS 2025 workshop. Sign up as a member here!
12th Annual Workshop for Young Radiation Researchers, 21st-23rd August 2024 at Rudbeck Laboratory in Uppsala! The workshop SWE-RAYS 2024 took place at the Rudbeck Laboratory in Uppsala from 21st to 23rd August 2024. The event featured oral and poster presentations from our members, the annual meeting, and inspiring talks from our invited speakers! A big thank you to everyone who participated! We also extend our heartfelt thanks to our sponsors Centre for Radiation Protection Research (CRPR), Vattenfall, and Ridgeview as well as to our guest speakers, Marika Nestor, Robert Frost, and Thuy Tran, for their excellent presentations.
Dear colleagues, We the SWE-RAYS board would like to inform our members that registration for the upcoming 11th SWE-RAYS workshop in Uppsala is now open. For further information on registration and abstract submission please take a look at the attached flyer. Register here! If you know PhD students, post-docs and researchers who are willing to join, please share the flyer and/or this email with them. Registration and abstract submission: Opens 2024-05-21 and closes 2024-06-21. Save the dates and place: 21st-23rd of August 2024 Uppsala, Rudbeck Laboratory, BV, Föreläsningssalen
Dear colleagues, The SWE-RAYS board would like to remind all our members of the upcoming annual meeting scheduled for the 23rd of August, from 10:15 -11:45 am. The annual meeting is planned to take place on site with option to join on zoom for the members not attending the workshop. Please check the attached summoning for more information concerning the agenda and link to digital attendance.
The workshop SWE-RAYS 2023 was held online on 21- 23 August 2023. It included oral, poster presentations from our members, annual meeting and an interesting talk from invited speakers! Thank you all, who participated!
The Swedish Association for Radiophysics is a non-profit scientific organization association that promotes the development of radiophysics and stimulates exchange of experiences and knowledge in the various fields of radiophysics areas such as research, radiation protection and healthcare. Become a member and benefit from different opportunities!
Friday 30 September is the deadline for the first round of travel grants funded by PIANOFORTE. Any early career researcher/professional working in a EU or associated members state is eligible. PIANOFORTE offers grants for: early career researchers: and early career radiation protection professionals: Good luck!
The annual SWE-RAYS Workshop will be held 23rd – 25th of August 2022 at Stockholm University! The registration is now open! More information you can find under the tab “Workshop 2022” in the Menu. Further information and the schedule of the workshop will be posted soon! For keeping update please follow us on Instagram: swerays It is noteworthy that there is also a separate event in Stockholm held by SAINT (Swedish academic initiative for radiation sciences and nuclear technology) from Thursday 25 August to Friday 26 August that you can join! Please check their website for further information:
The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) announces research funding for two doctoral projects in radiation protection in connection with radiological emergencies. The grant amounts to a maximum of SEK 8,000,000 including indirect costs (tentative distribution per doctoral project is SEK 250,000 in 2022, SEK 1,000,000 in 2023-2025 and SEK 750,000 in 2026). A research group can only be assigned a doctoral project. A maximum of two projects can be financed. The call is aimed at Swedish universities and colleges. The application must be submitted to the Authority no later than 22-04-22. The callaims at research that develops knowledge that will benefit both the authority and external stakeholders. This research project is not covered by the Public Procurement Act (2016:1145) (see Chapter 1, Section 5). Implementationof the call In addition to the completed application form, the application (max 10 A4 pages) must contain: Project summary Project plan that presents a well-developed proposal for how the research should be conducted (specific goals, background, theory/hypotheses, methods, work plan, preliminary results, significance, references) Description of how results should be communicated Timetable with interim targets and budget divided into the announced years Cv (CV) for applicants (max two out of ten A4 pages) A maximum of three own publications relevant to the application The application with attachments must be sent electronically to the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority atthe e-mail address: with a copy to the Enter reference SSM2022-1103. Please check the link below for detailed information: Swedish Radiation Safety Authority announces research funding for two doctoral projects in radiation protection in connection with radiological emergencies – Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (