Career opportunities
Postdoctor in radiological antagonistic threats
Project description: The postdoctoral position is linked to a sub-project in a larger research project, funded by the Swedish Agency for Contingencies (MSB), with a focus on preventive measures against antagonistic use of radioactive substances in the public environment. In the project, special focus will be on the detectability of large scale exposures of members of the public by current retrospective dosimetry techniques. These techniques involve luminescent detectors such as TL/OSL sensitive materials, and to a limited extent also biodosimetric or computational methods. In collaboration with the Swedish Defence Research Agency, the postdoctoral researcher must develop methods to be able to demonstrate whether rescue staff members and the public in a suspected malevolent event have been exposed to ionizing radiation, as well as validating these techniques by real in-situ measurements. The detection methods are linked to what are internationally referred to as “citizen dosimeters”, and which have been applied in e.g. in Japan after the Fukushima accident in 2011.
The project will include close collaborations with colleagues in the Total Defense Research Institute in Umeå, as well as in Örebro University.
Location: Malmö
Application deadline: 2024-03-12
Doctoral student in Medical Radiation Physics
Project: The Department of Medical Radiation Physics is engaged in research and education in ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, and its use mainly in medical applications. The major areas are radiotherapy physics, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-ray physics, and nuclear medicine physics.
Location: Lund
Application deadline: 2024-12-23
Researcher in cancer and radiation biology
Project: The position will be associated with the EU-funded project MIRAMARE (mechanisms of the inversed relationship between menarche age and radiation-induced breast and endometrial cancers) which is supported by the European Partnership for Radiation Protection Research PIANOFORTE. The project aims at elucidating the mechanisms responsible for the inversed relationship between menarche age and the risk of radiation-induced breast and endometrial cancer. A factor responsible for early menarche age is obesity. It is possible that the inversed correlation between menarche age and cancer results from the interaction of obesity-related factors, sex hormones and radiation. The aim of MIRAMARE is to test this hypothesis by using in vitro cell model systems. The project is a collaboration between partners from France, Italy, Poland and the UK.
Location: Stockholm
Application deadline: 2024-12-22
Sjukhusfysiker (vikariat)
Project: Du kommer att ingå i ett team med åtta sjukhusfysiker som arbetar inom diagnostik. De huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifterna för dig blir kvalitetssäkring av röntgenutrustningar, hantering av patient- och personalstråldoser och strålskyddsutbildning för medarbetare. Beroende på dina tidigare erfarenheter kan arbetsuppgifterna komma att omfatta även optimeringsarbete och vidareutveckling av mätmetoder. Stora delar av arbetet bedrivs i projektgrupper tillsammans med ledning och medarbetare inom röntgen, medicinsk teknik, inköp och Regionfastigheter.
Location: Jönköping
Application deadline: 2025-01-12
Sjukhusfysiker till röntgenfysik
Project: Till en nyinrättad tjänst söker sjukhusfysik på Länssjukhuset Ryhov i Jönköping en sjukhusfysiker med erfarenhet av röntgendiagnostik. I det här jobbet får du möjlighet att utveckla och säkerställa strålsäkerheten inom röntgen. I din roll ingår att verka för goda samarbeten inom sjukhusfysik och med de omkringliggande verksamheterna i till exempel processgrupper. En stor del av arbetet sker i nära samverkan med övriga sjukhusfysiker, läkare, sjuksköterskor och ingenjörer, men kan också drivas som egna projekt. Du kan också medverka i upphandlingar av utrustning.
Location: Jönköping
Application deadline: 2025-01-19
Sjukhusfysiker till Sjukhusfysik
Project: Du kommer även att arbeta med egna projekt, seminarium och utbildningar. Sjukhusfysik samverkar även brett med andra yrkeskategorier via bl.a. modalitets- och optimeringsgrupper. I Region Västernorrland finns också möjlighet att delta i ST-utbildning för sjukhusfysiker.
Location: Sundsvall
Application deadline: 2025-01-08