We the SWE-RAYS organization committee 2018 want to thank all SWE-RAYS members for your participation and contributions to the 6th SWE-RAYS workshop held in Uppsala.

2018 Workshop in Uppsala
We the SWE-RAYS organization committee 2018 want to thank all SWE-RAYS members for your participation and contributions to the 6th SWE-RAYS workshop held in Uppsala.
The workshop consisted of 16 SWE-RAYS members and 2 invited speakers, the program of this year’s workshop included 6 oral presentations and 6 posters. The presentations and posters at the workshop covered a wide variety of radiation research fields including radiobiology, medical physics, radioecology and dosimetry. Among the workshop activities were exercises on elevator talks and a seminar on how to present a successful poster.
Invited to the workshop were the founders of “Strålande Jord”, Cecilia Gustavsson and Mattias Lantz, who presented the concept and progress of their project. “Strålande Jord” is a science project that aims to monitor radioactivity in Swedish mushrooms and soils with the help of samples collected by volunteering high school students from all over the country. This approach is very useful for collecting large samples over a wide area while also being educational and inspirational to high schoolers, showing them a hint of how science in radiation monitoring is done.
Award winners!
Shooting star
Lovisa Waldner from Lund University was awarded the SWE-RAYS Shooting Star-award for best oral presentation. With her presentation titled NaCl pellets made from household salt for prospective optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimetry for rapid, accurate and cost-effective prospective dosimetry applications she presented her work on how to use household salt as dosimeters in situations where conventional dosimeters are not available.
Best poster
Guillaume Pedehontaa-Hiaa from Lund University was awarded for Best Poster. His poster on Quantification of 3H levels in human urine near the European Spallation Source in Lund addressed the challenges in risk assessing the spallation source currently being built in Lund and how to efficiently estimate the 3H exposure to humans in the area.
The SWE-RAYS organization committee 2018
Andris Abramenkovs
Diana Spiegelberg
Notes from the board
The board thanks Christina Söderman for her excellent work as a board member and SWE-RAYS secretary, and would like to welcome Lovisa Waldner as a new board member.