Workshop 2020


Swedish Radiation Research Association for Young Scientists

SWE-RAYS Workshop 2020

21st of August

SWE-RAYS want to thank all SWE-RAYS members for your participation and contributions to the 8-th SWE-RAYS workshop!

All of the world got affected by the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19. The planned SWE-RAYS 2020 workshop was no exception. As the pandemic was steadily continuing to spread it was decided to hold the workshop on-line as a webinar, open to people to join using ZOOM.

Here is a snapshot from the annual meeting of SWE-RAYS 2020:

The seminar had two excellent presentations, by Cecilia Gustavsson and Mattias lantz, discussing a very fun and interesting project Strålande Jord, and Mats Isaksson, dwelling more in to the details of the HBO show Chernobyl.

Below you can view the recordings of the lectures!

Strålande Jord - Cs-137 in Swedish mushrooms 30+ years after Chernobyl

Cecilia Gustavsson and Mattias Lantz

Chernobyl - Fact or Fiction

Mats Isaksson

The SWE-RAYS organization committee 2020

Charlotte Andersson

Isak Holmerin

Lovisa Waldner

Diana Spiegelberg

Antanas Bukartas

Mikael Elvborn

Pamela Akuwudike

Notes from the board

The board would like to express our gratitude to Isak Holmerin and Diana Spiegelberg for the excellent work as board members for the last years. Thank you! We also like to welcome Mila López Riego as a new board member!

The 9th SWE-RAYS workshop will be held in Gothenburg! (Hopefully..)

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